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We have helped thousands of individuals to increase income and reduce their taxes. We serve our friends by offering ways for them to be the good stewards for the resources given them. We offer this site to assist you with planning so that your values will extend to future generations.

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The Charitable Gift Annuity for You and Your Children

The Charitable Gift Annuity for You and Your Children
Jim is a hard working farmer and a careful saver.

JIM: During the past two years, I've watched the return on my CDs drop significantly. I need more income AND I want to provide income to 4 of my children.

One day while viewing the Hope Channel, he heard about a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) that would do exactly what he wanted.

JIM: I called Hope Channel and asked Dr. Navarro about a CGA. He proposed an annuity for me and an annuity for each of my 4 children. I was excited to discover that my CGA, based on my age, would pay me 8.8%. I was very pleased to learn that the 4 annuities to benefit my children would provide an average payout rate of 5.7% first to me, than after my demise, to my children.

After finding out how easy it is to set up 5 gift annuities, I transferred money from my matured CDs into each annuity. I am delighted with my 8.8% payout rate and the 5.7% average payout rate on the other 4 annuities. My accountant is also delighted with the percentage of my payments that are income tax free. Best of all, I know my gift annuities enable Hope Channel to do what it does best, win souls for the Saviour.

Fixed payments for Jim from the gift annuities are about two times what he was receiving from his one-year certificate of deposit. He is pleased with the increased income and tax savings

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